
Archive for May, 2012


May 31, 2012 1 comment

Good morning! Not feeling so tired today, but my neck is hurting again. moan moan moan!

Only two more days until my week off!!! Yipeee!

Didn’t have a work out last night, but will be doing one tonight.

Weight was up a few oz & grams this morning. Looks like I won’t make my mini goal of 10.7 by Sunday, but hey it’s only 3 lbs away!!

Had oat bran clusters for breakfast again. I do love cereal!! The amount you get when you weigh out 30g is pitiful, but it has been keeping me full to be honest! For lunch I have a melange of a few pork slices, some ham, low fat cheese, cucumber and oat bran bread. Pretty thirsty today, (I’m sure its the cereal) so drinking lots of water. It is very hot here too, been gorgeous all week.

College was ok last night. On Tuesday I got a fit of giggles and could not stop laughing for about 5 minutes.  The teacher had made up an exercise and the names of the people were Rolo and Simba. One girl said ‘ I can see you sitting there eating rolo’s’ and I added ‘watching Lion King’ and we were off. Three of us were hysterical. Quietly hysterical is the worst!! And it makes it funnier when you know you really must stop laughing!!

There isn’t long left on this years course, thank ****** (insert any word) and am really looking forward to getting my last three exams over with. Then it all begins again next year with Level 4 AAT. Ugh. And expensive.

Still waiting to hear from a job I applied for at a school as a Finance Officer. I REALLY WANNIT!!!!

Right, well I must get on. Lots of work to do. And I need to ring my Pops as he is in hospital again in France. He is diabetic and his blood readings were bad so the doctor said he has to go in to be checked out.  I hope he is eating well, as this is the cause as far as I’m concerned. They are probably feeding him carbs galore in the hospital. 😦

Love ya and leave ya!


Day 122

May 30, 2012 3 comments

Good afternoon!

Been quite busy today so haven’t been able to blog. I am also extremely tired. I feel so lethargic today and have barely spoken to anyone.

When I got home last night, I skipped the first hour of college and had a work out. Ran for 16  minutes and walked fast for 20.

Today I weigh: 10.10 (STILL) 68.0 and 150.0!! Yay for the zeros!

TOTM is coming to an end so hopefully it will drop a bit more, fingers crossed!

Not much to report, tired, bored, hot and wanna go home. Hope you are all having a more productive day!!

See you tomorrow!

PS. Food: B: 30g of oat bran cereal (ok it was 33g) sausages with creme fraiche and cucumber for lunch with two bread muffins, and then an oat bran bar from dukan himself. Need to stop adding these as a normal part of my day as I’ll be eating too much oat bran otherwise. Not sure what’s for dinner yet.

Bye  🙂


Day 121 woah!

May 29, 2012 9 comments

Good afternoon! Today my weight is 10.10, 150.4lbs and 68.6kg. (at least I think it was 68.6…) It’s not going up above 10.10 for a while which is great, but obviously I want it to go down 3 lbs by Sunday!

This morning I had cereal for the first time in 4 months or so! I bought the Dukan Oat bran crisp red berry cereal which is either your oat bran allowance for the day or as your tolerated item.  I weighed out 30 g which was not a lot at all. It does taste good though! I had a little in some natural yoghurt last night too.

And compared to other cereal its only got 89 calories per 30 g (before milk). I know Im not counting calories (THANK GOODNESS) but it’s nice to see how low they are anyway.

I also tried an oat bran bar, hazelnut and chocolate when I got home. Yes, you guessed it, my Dukan parcel came!! They are ridiculously small, but I was actually full until 8 when I had dinner.

(or maybe I have a GIANT hand haha)

I ate the bar, had a 30 minute workout on the treadmill then a bit of raking in the garden.

James made turkey burgers, onion, red onion, mushrooms and a bit of low fat cheese and also a big dollop of low fat creme fraiche. So pretty much a PP dinner.

Today I have had: oat bran cereal with milk

cheese, cucumber, red onion (yes my breath stinks now) and two left over turkey burgers. Also 2 oat bran bread muffins. I also have the oat bran bar for later. I reckon I could make them. They cost £3.85 for 6 miniscule bars.

Anyway, yesterday at work, I was tapping away on my keyboard at work (actually working and not writing blogs heehehe) when my right side (face)cheek area started to pulsate and twitch a bit. I couldn’t believe it! I haven’t touched aspartame for weeks, I thought to myself as I chewed my chewing gum. My sugar free chewing gum. My aspartame filled sugar free chewing gum. DAMMIT!!! Yup, silly me.

Does that mean I’m gonna have to have normal chewing gum? I wonder how much sugar is in it etc. I do really think that the aspartame was the cause of the twitch. How strange. As my friend Amy said the other day, she’d rather be fat than die of cancer. (from aspartame)

SOOOO, that was my discovery. I ran 15 whole minutes on the treadmill without stopping. Not amazing, but my best yet this year!!

Also, I fit into a pair of work trousers that I once tried on a year ago and they were the typical ‘ I can get them on, but the zip top is a good 10cm apart’ like a big V. They now fit and I am wearing them (bit tight now I’ve eaten though gulp!)

Enjoy your avo!!

5 days til my week o-off!!!

May 28, 2012 6 comments

Good morning! Only one week of work until my week off, 2 day bank holiday in UK and my birthday on Sunday! I’ll be 31 😦 James keeps reminding me he is still in his 20’s. He’s 29 soon to be 30 as I keep reminding him. 🙂

So, I had a pretty good weekend diet wise. Only had half a glass of wine on Saturday night, and that was only because I didn’t like it!! HAHA! I’m glad it turned out that way as may have been hung over Sunday and then might not have made it to the beach!

Was beautiful and warm Sunday and we went to the beach at 11am. It was practically empty, I couldn’t believe it! Got a little sunburn on my nose and forehead and on my feet.  Will wear more suncream next time!

Sunday morning I weighed in at: 149.7, 10.10 & 67.9. It’s gone back up this morning to 151 somehow, but now I know I can get into the 140’s lbs I wanna try n get there quickly and stay there. I had a work out on Saturday, but not Sunday, but I did run around and play catch with my nieces and nephew so got some exercise in.

I didn’t eat much at all yesterday, some cucumber, cheese and ham on the beach and then had a fry up later that afternoon, sausages, bacon and an egg. Then didn’t eat anything else, I wasn’t hungry! Must have been the heat, was about 27 degrees.

Mini attack over with, it was tough! You do forget what you can eat on attack.

I bought a new lunch box, it’s very cute:

Can’t fit much in it, but I love it!! Made some bread yesterday and decided to put the mixture in my muffin cases. The main reason is, when I got half way through my oat bran/almond bread, the middle was so wet and gross I ended up throwing it away. Not sure why that happened. Maybe I put too much fromage frais in it or something.

The little ones seem to have turned out good though, and at least I know I can have two a day!

Well that’s all for now folks 🙂

P.S only 3lbs away from my Mini Goal Birthday weight of 10.7!!!

2 oz

May 24, 2012 3 comments

Hello! Iweigh two ounces less than yesterday. Was hoping for a bigger loss, but it’s certainly better than a gain.

Yesterday I ate: 2 slices of oat bran/almond bread with lighter cream cheese

Chicken slices for lunch with a bit of low fat hard cheese, lots of water, tea!I also ate an entire Mattesons sausage, about 225 grams. It’s 95 percent pork and fat and carbs were low so hope its ok.

After work I went to college and didn’t feel hungry so didn’t have anything. I did find a diet coke in my bag that I hadn’t drunk a few weeks ago, so put that in the fridge for James and filled up my water bottle.

After college I made 2 fried eggs and a slice of ham. Yummy!

Felt like a good attack day. Today I have the same toast with light cream cheese for breakfast, some chicken and ham slices for lunch, 2 eggs to scramble, and a quarter of a sausage (rather than the whole 225g!)  and if I get really desperate, there is some cottage cheese in the fridge that I haven’t opened yet.

I have been looking at the dukan shop website and they are doing a £1 delivery at the moment to the UK. I think I am going to order some oat bran bars, oat bran biscuits and oat bran cereal. I just really hope this isn’t moving into dangerous territory. I am going to only eat them when I maybe would eat something bad, like a real biscuit or some chocolate. And they will be a handy snack to have on the go when you need to eat and didn’t prepare enough food.

I forgot to mention the other day, I watched this programme on TV called My Big Fat Fetish. I only watched a bit of it but it was really sick. Male feeders fattening up their gf/wives because it gives them both sexual gratification. Some of them sell videos etc to their fans and do it as a job. Why would you risk your health and life by weighing 600 lbs or more? It’s not normal. Some of them can barely move and I just know they cannot be happy with their lives, not matter what they are saying to the camera.  This is just my opinion, but I really disagree with it. Do what you want with your life, but I honestly think a lot of it is bullying and pressure from the feeder. The women often admit they only want to please their bf/husbands. Plus, eating that much for sexual gratification – I’m sorry but a relationship is not ONLY about sex and if your entire life is revolved around gaining weight for that – there is something wrong.

Anyway, I don’t want to offend anyone. Be healthy and happy.

Enjoy your day, it 27 degrees in the UK – AMAZING!!!! But I am stuck at work – not so amazing. HAHA!!


Day 115

May 23, 2012 5 comments

Hello! So, last night I felt quite thin in my pj’s and was looking forward to weighing myself the next day, especially since I was getting up at 6 for a run on the treadmill.

LOL. I really did try. My snooze alarm went off every 5 minutes until 7 when I finally dragged myself out of bed to have a shower. Well, the more I psych myself up, the closer I’ll get to actually doing it.

When I weighed in, I was: 10.11, 68.7 & 151.4!! Not too shabby! Not too far from my lowest yay!! This has boosted me a little to stick to it.

Last night I SO almost caved. James showed me a pack of peanut m&m’s. Then it was in my head that I wanted them. Then I had a cigarette. I KNOW I KNOW!!

So I made a cup of tea and ate a dukan muffin.  Phew.

I keep thinking that I’ve cheated and failed so many times, yet I’m still losing weight even though its only a tiny fraction. Imagine if I’d kept to it, I reckon I would be down 5-10 lbs by now. I know I can do it, and sometimes I’m surprised I lose at all! But considering what I used to eat…………

So, I’ve started a mini attack for 3-4 days. I had trouble making lunch as I couldn’t remember what I was allowed! So I basically have some chicken, a chunk of low fat cheese (?) low fat cottage cheese incase i get desperate, and for breakfast I’ve got my oat bran allowance of bread with some lighter cream cheese. I also brought a sausage for later. I really needed some eggs, but have run out!!

Last night I made an amazing dinner!! Wish I had taken a picture now!

It was thick ham slices with 2 fried eggs ( in coconut oil) and a tomato and basil salad with a drizzle of olive oil and a bit of halloumi (prob not allowed) and James had the same but with chips. The salad looked great – I LOVE basil!

I’ve started to use my coconut oil a little. It’s not very dukan but the health benefits are so good and I’ve read it helps you to lose weight anyway.

I think that’s all I have to report for now! Need to go back to the beginning of my blog and see what I used to eat in Attack! Eggs? Probably!!

Have a good one!xx


May 22, 2012 8 comments

Morning. I’ve gained two pounds dammit! Annoying but I did drink 5 people’s worth of alcohol, probably! 😦

Disappointing, hopefully it will come off soon. Think I need to be stricter and cut out the low-fat cheese and get back on the eggs. I also am addicted to some ‘crispy chicken’ they sell in tesco. Damn that msg. Will stop buying that too.

I had quite a few PV days last week as had bought a lot of salad and veg etc. Am having a PV day today but then am gonna do maybe 3-4 days PP.

Here’s what I’ve got today: 1 tablespoon of oat bran mixed with semi skimmed milk (eaten) leafy salad, cucumber and real chicken for lunch and a vanilla oat bran muffin for later.

Dinner will probably be fish or err chicken.  I really love chicken at the moment!! Poor chickens.

Did I mention I did an hour on the treadmill Saturday?  I was going to do another work out yesterday but didn’t want to hurt my neck, so did some baking instead. Made 6 vanilla and 6 lemon muffins and a loaf of oat bran bread.

The recipe is:

8-10 Tablespoons of oat bran (depending on how long you want it to last, day/allowance wise)

8 Tablespoons of skimmed milk powder

4 Tablespoons of fat-free fromage frais or light cream cheese

16 grams of dry yeast (mixed with water as per instructions)

1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 Tablespoon of fat-free natural yoghurt

2 Tablespoons of ground almonds (you can always put more in if you wanted)

4 tablespoons of warm water

3 eggs

1 Tablespoons of corn flour (again, you could probably put another one in)

Mix everything expect the yeast and fromage frais/cream cheese, then mix those in once the yeast is ready. Give a good whisk then put into a loaf tin and pop in oven. I cover mine with foil for the first 10-15 minutes then take it off for the next 20-25 mins. I normally turn it upside down in the tin once it’s cooked, as the bottom is usually a bit wetter and needs to be dried out. Then leave it in the oven for another few minutes.

Voila, oat bran almond bread! No wheat yay!!

Since I gave up aspartame, my face actually hasn’t twitched. Weird eh.

Will do some exercise tonight, or maybe strip some wallpaper.  Or something!

Right I need to do some work. Will get round to your blogs soon I hope!!


May 21, 2012 4 comments

Good morning all! I’ve twisted my neck somehow and its killing me! Oh well, I’m also taking a half day so going home in just over an hour – yipeeee!!!

Well, I did alright this weekend. Did an hour on the treadmill Saturday morning, running and walking, then I ran for 10 minutes straight. Then I did some hard core house work for 4 hours. Was sooo tired!!

Made a big breakfast with scrambled eggs, sausages, mushrooms, oatbran bread for me and tiger bread for James (lucky bleeeep).

Saturday night we headed down to the beach to watch Grease with picnic basket, blankets, rugs and wine. I brought some cut up sausage too to keep me going. It had been a nice warm day and stayed quite warm until the wind picked up about 8.30. The screen they used didn’t have very good sound and there were no speakers apart from the ones on the screen so didn’t hear much. A lot of people left due to the sound and probably because it got quite cold too. We ended up moving closer to the screen to get shelter from the people around us! Luckily it was nice and warm under the blanket. I drank a bottle of wine and then we carried on and went to the pub too. Felt very sick yesterday, worst hangover for a long time. I had no plans though so stayed in bed and watched telly.

So apart from the excessive alcohol consumption, I did ok on the diet. Did not weigh myself this morning, but will do tomorrow. Naughty me!

Actually, I did drink a can of coke. I felt so ill that when James brought me that back from the shop I had to drink it.  Didn’t eat much yesterday, a bit of chicken with low fat creme fraiche.

I baked some bread the other day and used ground almonds instead of wheat bran. I know its high in fat but I wanted to cut out wheat and couldn’t think of anything else to replace it! The bread came out really nice though, a lot lighter in colour and not so stodgy. I only put it one and a half tablespoons of it in.

I made a batch of vanilla muffins using stevia and made 5 of them chocolate. You were right Anna , stevia does not work!! Even the vanilla ones were a bit bitter, I will add more in future. Wont be making the chocolate ones again with stevia though, they were very bitter. Yuk!

Right, well gotta get my work done before midday!! See ya all tomorrow!! I look forward to being told off for a) not weighing myself and b) drinking too much!!

Fri – Day 110

May 18, 2012 9 comments

110 days! Insane! I should be skinny by now!

haha. Well my weight has fluctuated UP a few hundred grams but let’s not dwell on that.

‘Blur’ are playing at The Winter Gardens in Margate, a town 10 mins away, and I tried for hours to get tickets. I spent 9.00 – 9.24 pressing release, redial on two phones which I counted was approximately 40 calls a minute. I gave up a bit after that and only did it a few times when I had the chance. Finally rang through at 11.15 and SOLD OUT!  How annoying.

I was reading a bit about aspartame yesterday, I already knew it was bad but just hadn’t got round to stop using/drinking/eating it. Now that I’m trying to avoid it, it’s in bloody everything!

I’d googled if it was also in Pepsi ( i could give up diet coke for an alternative!!) and found this. I only read snippets of it, but it made me feel ill to be honest.

I went shopping last night and looked at all the diet drinks, all had aspartame. Even no added sugar squash! SO literally I can only drink water, fat drinks or alcohol! And since Im on a diet, that leaves me with water. Great.

One drink had sucralose. Is this the same? Will have to check it out.

I looked at wheatbellys website again and this reminded me I need to cut out all wheat. Its sooo hard! I barely eat any, maybe just the wheat bran I put in my bread and finding it hard to get a replacement product.

My right side cheek has been twitching/pulsating/pumping along nicely for the last few days and I’m wondering if it’s the aspartame? I put it in my muffins,dri(a)nk diet coke etc. Now I’ve cut it out, (day 1 – sob) I’ll see if it makes a difference.

I was happy to see Stevia was half price at Tesco, so bought what was left on the shelf, 2 jars. I will throw away my aspartame sweetener, as much as I hate waste. I thought about seeing if anyone wanted it, but then thought that would be like giving someone a jar of poison! Silly me!

Had a run last night for 32 minutes. Did the C25K week two, but instead of 1.5 run and 2 mins walk I did a few 2 min runs and even one 3 minute one!! Ha ha loser I could have done more but I enjoyed not killing myself.

My sister came over for a workout and had to beat me. She ran for 20 minutes non stop.  I would defo be dead!

Well not much more to report. I’ve attached two images of little boxes I made at work which I’m quite proud of. One is for the SD cards the yard staff bring in to me to do the work with, and the bigger uglier FILTHIER one is one I made ages ago. As they kept losing or stealing these cards, I gave them all 3 cards each and had a few spares for other functions. It worked well until their big fat dirty yard fingers broke all the carefully constructed partitions. 😦

I give up. But I did enjoy making the little one out of a stapler packet and some white labels hahahah!! Let’s see how long that lasts. And I’ve had a few ‘shall I just put my stick into the hole?’ cracks. Working with men has its disadvantages.

Have a great weekend – see ya Monday probably!!

big box

little box- cute or frankenstein monstrosity?

May 17, 2012 4 comments

Morning all!

68.4, 10.11 & 150 point somet. I think this is the lowest I have weighed so far!

I always weigh myself before I get in the shower then have to chant the numbers in my head lol, this is why I usually forget the pounds & ounces conversion.

I am feeling hungry today. Last night I made a mustard and yoghurt mix and coated some diced chicken in it. Fried off some onions, mushrooms and lazy garlic too.  Ate that with some steamed asparagus and a bit of broccoli.

That’s all my leftover bits used! I hate throwing things away so glad I could make a meal out of all of it.

I just realized, Im only 4 lbs away from my ‘Birthday goal weight’ of 10.7. Not really that much? If I just don’t cheat or drink and do some exercise I bet I can do it! Unfortunately (lol) a town 5 mins away called Broadstairs is airing Grease on an outdoor cinema on the beach and its free!! Woohoo! Going to that on Saturday night and will bring a bit of wine or something with me I’m sure. Am planning to stick to it food wise though! Really looking forward to it. Will be bringing a blanket etc as is still quite cold.

Having a run tonight, the first one this week after my failed efforts to get up early! I wonder if my allergy tablets make me really tired? My mum mentioned it as she said she finds it really hard to get up too.

So far today I have had one tablespoon of oatbran porridge, a chunk of low fat cheese this morning while I was making my lunch (gulp) and a dukan choc muffin.

For lunch I have left over chicken from yesterday, a few slices of ham, a bit of cheese, and I also brought two eggs incase I need them later. Will have to scramble them in the microwave. I wonder if I’m ready to eat boiled eggs again? Maybe if they were still warm and in a salad.

Need to go food shopping tonight, have run out of dukan bread too so need to make another batch. May also try some of the rolls or buns I’ve seen recipes for. Will get onto it!!

Enjoy your day!