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Oh dear AKA oops

Ahem, well, I did very badly this weekend. And after everything I said about being good.

I seriously couldn’t stop myself. I did really well, went to my nephews birthday, didn’t have any cake! Then took some home for James but he didn’t want it. And I really hate throwing things away. (excuses excuses….) So I ate it! Well I threw a bit of it away because I felt bad.

James went out to buy a cooked chicken, so my intentions were there and I did fancy chicken too. But he called to say they were sold out, so I just said ‘get anything’ . Anything? he said. Yup, ANYTHING!

SO he dutifully returned with an indian takeaway, one of the ready-made ones you cook yourself in the oven. Bad bad bad. But delicious!

Sunday wasn’t any better. I started off good again, but then this happened:

I ate loads of cheese. Then I ate a plain roll. Then another. Then some chocolate.  Then I tried to stop myself and have a cup of tea and 2 dukan chocolate muffins. Then I had some more cheese. AAAARGHH!!!

Big fat failure this weekend. And it serves me right that I weigh a pound more again. Stupid me!

Very disappointed in myself. I am now giving myself lots of little talks and forcing myself to be good. ‘its going to be hard, but you have to resist’

So, it’s a new day. I just went for a 20 minutes power walk in Sandwich town near my work! Yipee I finally got my exercise in! I went with my boss so now I have someone to torture with me hahah!!!

Ate two boiled eggs this morning and now going to have 2 small slices of oat bran bread with some chicken and a bit of leafy salad.

Good luck to me!!

Hope you have all done well, will read your blogs this afternoon.

  1. April 23, 2012 at 1:51 pm

    Shannon I hear you saying that you had a hard weekend. Two things: I believe your honesty about the situation is critical. ( I really admire that part of your blog, tellin’ it true) Also, you have the will to stay the course, ie: you haven’t thrown in the towel. SO those two things will take you down the road a long way.
    If you’re anything like me, getting back off the wheat/sugar will not be a simple matter. For me those items are like crack, highly addictive. But it can be done and you’ve done it.
    LOVE that you did some exercise that’s a truly positive part of the weekend. The more times we repeat a behavior the more it becomes ‘rote’ in our minds, like brushing our teeth.
    Sending you anti-wheat&sugar resolve via the ethers 🙂

    • April 23, 2012 at 2:24 pm

      thanks, and true, I only threw in a flannel sized towel haha!Bread is killing me, Ive asked James to hide all his stuff now as its getting really hard seeing it constantly. Alas, I must continue 🙂

  2. April 23, 2012 at 1:53 pm

    Dont worry too much about it Shannon! You’ve been on holiday, had a taste of freedom. To come back to Dukan and its strict rules must be a really hard thing to do, give yourself a bit of leeway. Your body is working against you, you just have to show it who’s boss! Great job on the walking, must be nice to have some support. Hope you have a good day, stay strong, one day at a time xoxo

    • April 23, 2012 at 2:22 pm

      Thanks, I know I need to stop cheating coz its so hard to get back on it. I am determined today tho….I WILL do it!!;)

  3. April 23, 2012 at 2:33 pm

    Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start again. You have such a fantastic attitude I know you’ll be back on the losing streak in no time xoxo

  4. April 23, 2012 at 9:24 pm

    I hear you… I had an awful weekend too. My daughter had a huge 14th birthday party here, which was so stressful for me to throw that I just ate what the kids did. Altho, I worked my rearend off cleaning and getting ready so you would have thought I wouldn’t have gained anything. But then….. my parents came over, which causes me to drink. Heavily. And drink I did. She nagged me about everything, and the alcohol made me NOT bite her head off. And then we had another party the next night to watch a fight on TV. Again, alcohol was involved. If it’s here, I will drink it! I get this little thing in me that once I’ve blown one day, what does one more day hurt? But, thank goodness weeks only last 7 days. For me, there’s always a starting point right around the corner!

  5. April 24, 2012 at 10:03 am

    Blimey, sounds like you had a stressful one! Definately let go of what happened last week and embrace the new week! Good luck sticking to it this week! 🙂

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