
Archive for April 24, 2012

back on it!

April 24, 2012 4 comments

I am losing weight again which always inspires you to carry on eh?

Back to 71.1  so still a couple of kilos above my best weight but I feel better that I’m nearly there.

I’m going to my parents house in Boulogne, France this weekend as  haven’t seen them since Christmas, my bad!

Am planning to stick to my diet though.  Baguette is amazing, but their ham is nice too,  and I will absolutely bring some of my oat bran bread and maybe some chocolate muffins with me. No make that, definitely bring chocolate muffins with me lol!

My mum always loves to treat us when we are there and we usually find a goodie bag on our pillows when we arrive. If that happens I’ll put it straight in my clothes bag, or James’s maybe, and let him have them.

I need to gear myself up for it and prepare my mind. Might sound ridiculous to some, but I find if I think about something before it happens I can stick to it much better.

Will be a lovely relaxing weekend anyhow! If only it would stop raining! Will be a good chance to cosy up on the sofa and read though…can’t wait!

Last night we nearly went out for dinner to Harvester. They do a free salad bar with yummy little rolls and mini butters and I was going to get half a chicken and not have the chips. Decided against it in the end, as I really thought that temptation so close to when I’ve just got back on it properly would be too much. And I really don’t want to crack!

Ended up getting another cooked chicken, yummy!! Had it with salad and some cucumber, and buttered James a few rolls to make it a bit more like harvester lol!

Someone commented today that my skin looked amazing and luminous! That’s nice!

I have been trying to take more care with my appearance and stop being so lazy, so have been painting my nails and keeping them nice and trying different hairstyles out!

Back to college tonight, could not face it last week so didn’t go. It’s so rubbish at the moment so I probably didn’t miss too much! Just need to get back into the swing of things after the easter holidays!

Well, enough talking about myself lol, time to read your blogs…..