Home > Diets, dukan diet > Day 53

Day 53

Now that I’m out of the abyss (drama) …. I did weigh myself this morning and it was up a bit again so won’t bother posting my weight today. I will have a look at the end of the week and compare it to last weeks weight.

Last night I made a loaf of bread, I used my usual recipe but only put 8 tablespoons of oat bran, wheat bran and skimmed milk powder instead of 10 each. It was a lot more liquidy than normal once I’d mixed all the ingredients together.

It came out pretty well though! More moist than the usual thick heavy bread I’ve been making of late, and a lot lighter and it also rose (?) more in the oven.

Here’s the evidence and the recipe:

Mmm Bread….

8 tbspn oat bran, 8 tbspn wheat bran, 8 tbspn skim milk powder, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tbspn plain yog fat-free, 4 tbspn of fromage frais or philidelphia light, 16g of dried yeast, 3 medium eggs and 4- 5 tablespoons of warm water. (original recipe also says 4 tbspn wheat germ but I’ve never put it in)

Use 2 bowls. In the first bowl mix the yeast, water and fromage frais/philidelphia cream cheese and give a good whisk.

Mix all the other ingredients together in a larger bowl.

Add the yeast mixture to the other ingredients and whisk well.

Pour mixture into a loaf tin and cook in a hot oven (200 degrees celsius) for 10 minutes. Reduce temperature to 180 degrees and cook for a further 20 minutes.

As my yeast says to add water to make it ‘work’ I just use this water and use about 7 or 8 tablespoons worth as don’t want to put too little yeast in it. I also put a few drops of oil in the tin and wipe it around the tin with kitchen towel.

This is what I’ll be eating today: bread, 3 cherry tomatoes, sliced red pepper, red onion and in that little pot is a tin of tuna mixed with a spoonful of plain fat-free yoghurt and pepper. That’s two boiled eggs you see in the bag, which have been consumed already!! (Well it is 11.17!!)

Yum looking forward to lunch! Am having a run tonight so hopefully burn some cals!!

Ah – I also forgot to mention a blog I LOVE in my nominations. You might say Im biased as its my brother Jeremiah’s blog, but once you read it you’ll see why I love it.

Its entertaining, true and hilarious! Its a blog about his travelling; his goal was to go to 100 countries before he was 30, and he did it!!

Do have a peruse if you have time: www.jerryvito.blogspot.com

Have a lovely day.

  1. March 22, 2012 at 1:13 pm

    Looks great Shannon. You are a real baker! Way to go. When you bake the bread how many servings does it make and is one serving equal to one serving of OB?

    • March 22, 2012 at 1:21 pm

      I marked it into 4 sections (as used 8 tablespoons of oat bran) and then cut that section into about 3-4 slices. And that’s the oat bran serving!! And thank you, I’m not the best baker, but I’m certainly learning!

  2. March 22, 2012 at 2:18 pm

    I have been trying to figure out how to make without wheat bran, as I don’t want wheat in my diet at all. Any suggestions, Shannon? Yours looks yummy!

  3. rmadere
    March 22, 2012 at 4:58 pm

    That does look good. I ran it through the Weight Watchers recipe builder and the wheat germ makes it very high points+ (24 for the entire loaf). But it looks tasty, so I might have to bite the bullet, or the bread 😉

    • March 23, 2012 at 1:34 pm

      leave out the wheat germ,ive not used it!

  4. March 22, 2012 at 11:12 pm

    That looks like a really nice substitute for bread, thanks for sharing. I wonder if it would work with coconut flour, as rice is still considered a grain. Like flamidwyfe I am not eating wheat or whole grains – we’ve been reading Wheat Belly by Dr William Davis. Best of luck with getting the weight back down over the weekend.

    • March 23, 2012 at 1:33 pm

      I read some of the wheat belly blog and am trying to be wheat free too as suffer from eczema and allergies gallore…I’ll see if I can get some coconut flour and give the recipe a go!

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