
Archive for March 11, 2013

Morning campers

March 11, 2013 Leave a comment

Hello! So much for the bad weather going, its bloody snowing!! Only a little bit though and its sooo windy. Thank goodness I work indoors.

So, I’ve been good for a week or so and my weight stayed the same for 3 days. Saturday night I had a glass of cider, some chocolate and some ice cream and lo and behold my weight goes down a pound! Weird. (but not to be repeated obviously!)

It’s still ok today which is good.  I like having the 1 drink and that’s it as you get the enjoyment but not the hang over!

Sunday was at the farm shop again. We spent way too much this weekend on food, like £40 in tesco, £10 in aldi and then £15 at the farm shop. Then I spend £11 in Waitrose too. Woops! We certainly bought things we didnt really need like chocolate, flavoured water etc. We will need to be a little stricter in future.

I bought a whole chicken from Waitrose, it was a medium one for £5.80 (actually cheaper than tesco) and waitrose say they only have birds that come from good welfare.  It was so delicious!! I roasted it and turned it upside down for half an hour as Sandi once mentioned in her blog. It made it so juicy. I don’t know if I was just starving, but it was the best chicken ever!

Haha!!! Anyway, I hope all you UK mothers had a good mothers day (and anyone else where its mothers day too!)

I’ve decided I want to start a new tradition on Sundays. I want us to go to the farm shop, then go get the papers, have a nice breakfast like eggs and sausages, drink good coffee and lounge for the morning. Sounds fun and sophisticated! (loser haha! I always wanted to do this when I was younger and saw older people on telly)

I also want to start my running soon too. I think this will keep me accountable and make me eat right.

Last night we watched ‘Foodmatters’ on netflix.

It’s from 2008, it talks about the importance of raw foods and how they beat cancer etc. Good to watch. We have decided to do juicing on the weekends and maybe have that for lunch. Nutrients, nutrients, nutrients!!

It is crazy how a deficiency in one thing can make you so ill.

Well that’s all my news, weight around 153.3 lbs at the moment.

Have a good one!:)